Based on the graphic novel Hercules: The Thracian Wars, this film illustrates the adventures of the Greek mythology hero Hercules. Dwayne Johnson has the guts to play the role and the film was highly entertaining. But the entertainment value of the film and Johnson's performance wasn't good enough to save the film from being feel mixed and lukewarm. I find the story deviated from the original epic tale but as I look closely the plot has a fault to it. Yes, the movie changes the way we know Hercules' tale and presented us - what if there's a foul play on his family's murder, what if he has comrades on his adventure and what if there is really no God-father he has and no gods involve in his adventure? This many innovation in the film made Hercules suffers an in-depth characterization. The story also turned a little soap-opera style with too much emotions and drama on revenge-from-the-past theme.
Hercules is another mythology story turned film that deviates from the original story. Read the original mythology, it's more fascinating and adventurous than this type of movie. I find it quite tiring to see this kind of movie that really doesn't stay faithful to the original. Yet it is understandable since it is based on a novel which I assumed changed parts of the Greek epic story. But this Hercules version seems lacking the charm of an epic story that other films of same type has. Good thing, Dwayne Johnson was playing the titular role and he played it convincingly.
Going Popcorn Review: 2.5/5 Popcorns
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