Sanctum is a thriller adventure and survival movie about a group of explorers who goes to Papua New Guinea to discover unexplored cave systems and then an accident happens. This movie will surely made you ask about choices and judgement that is between hanging life and death. It will ask your morals on which is to choose and which is not. Actually, Sanctum, the title itself means free from intrusion. In this movie, Sanctum feels like how to be free from guilt of one’s judgement and choices. I wish this movie would have a more resolve ending. It ended with an emotional drama because of tragedy yet it failed to be a compelling movie. It also didn’t show a climax that will be memorable like putting a solution to the problems that occurred or do a rescue mission to have it ended with a good story. Yet it just simply ended plainly as a one-man survival movie.
Going Popcorn Review: 2.5/5 Popcorns
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